The Jacksonville Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management and Florida Community College at Jacksonville have joined forces to increase effectiveness and give more flexibility to those wishing to join the study group to become certified as a PHR - Professional of Human Resources or an SPHR – Senior Professional of Human Resources.

Teresa Cotton
(904) 301-2106
Cindy Gray
(904) 633-5064

For More Information


Introducing “Ask Bob” this is a new feature to our web site. For no charge you have the opportunity to ask human resource related question of Bob McKenzie, President of McKenzieHR

To ASK Bob click here

Contact Information
200 Executive Way
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082
Phone: (904) 273-8637

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This newsletter is provided as a service to our clients and friends with the premise that informed clients are better clients. If you like it, feel free to pass it along to others. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information on this or any other human resources related subject.

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End of the Year Things to Be Thankful For

As a human resources management firm we are thankful to the following:

To The Federal Government. We thank you for passing over 50 pieces of Federal legislation dealing with employment and benefits issues for companies. Without you, life would be less confusing and we would not have a reason for being in business.

To The United States Department of Labor. On May 23, 2004, the Department of Labor issued the final regulations on exemptions from overtime also known as the Fair Pay Rules. Although little was actually changed, the Fair Pay Rules did result in confusing many business owners which resulted in additional revenue for us.

To The People Who Behave Badly. We are tremendously grateful to the many people who continue to act as though they have been living in a spider hole for the last ten years and continue to harass their co-workers by making inappropriate sexual, racial or religious comments or making the workplace miserable for the people they work with. Thank you and keep up the good work – without you, we may not be in business.

To the Companies That Thought,  “It Won’t Happen to  Us”  But It  Did. We appreciate your willingness to pay us more than you would have if we put some preventative measures in place. We are pleased with the trust you instilled in us to get you out of the mess you put yourselves in. But we would have rather established some preventative measures and not had to deal with the troubles at all.

To Proactive Companies. Many of you have contacted us to assist you with developing handbooks, compensation programs, required reporting and developing training programs. You now have policies and procedures in place to deal with employee issues.

To Our Partners - Companies like SingleSource Services,, Team Dynamics, Small Business Group, FCCJ and many, many others who referred clients to us. We are grateful that you thought of us and hope to reciprocate in the upcoming year.

To All of The Readers of the McKenzie Mailer - We value your support and the belief that the Potential of People is limitless.

But Most Of All To Our Clients. This has been a breakout year for us and we appreciate the business. We are looking forward to continuing to work with you for our mutual benefit through the next several years.

Best Wishes for a Safe and Happy Holiday
and a Very Prosperous and Joyful 2005.


OCTOBER 2004 -
Recruitment Metrics – Are You Measuring the Right Stuff?
Do Machines Mean More Than People?
AUGUST 2004 -
Employment At Will – What Does It Really Mean?
JULY 2004 -
JUNE 2004 -
MAY 2004 -
APRIL 2004 -
Is It Really a Hostile Work Environment?
MARCH 2004 -
TRAINING - Ya Gotta Believe
The Potential of People
JANUARY 2004 -
Keeping Your Good People
Makes You Look Better