Complete Human Resource Services
Every organization is different with a different culture, a different personality and a different perspective on how the business is run. We know it is a bit cliché to say this, but employees ARE the most important aspect of any profitable business. The trick is to have the most productive and caring people you can get and keep them motivated to achieve even more every day.
At McKenzieHR, we believe there should be no such thing as a “cookie cutter” approach to our clients’ needs. Everything we do for our clients is customized! We are the experts in employment compliance AND employee motivation. We know the rules and we know what makes people tick.
It’s all about YOU and YOUR business.
McKenzieHR provides a broad range of Human Resource Services for small to medium sized companies. You can select the entire package or only those programs needed. For a nominal monthly fee to al la carte pricing, McKenzieHR can provide all of the legal and regulatory support necessary in today’s business environment. To learn about each of our services review the information below.
On Call Advise
Whether you have a quick question or a brewing employee situation, McKenzieHR is only a phone call or email away. Our team of experts provides unlimited access, low cost, real-time information and solutions. And when you need us, We come to YOU!
Human Resources Consulting
McKenzieHR offers highly skilled HR consultants to work either full or part-time, assisting you in developing and implementing your Human Resource Programs. Whether your company is in a start-up, growing, stable or declining phase, proper HR support is essential to the ongoing viability of your business. McKenzieHR experts are here to assist with coaching, counseling, discipline and strategic planning.
HR Compliance Audit
EEO, ADA, ADAAA, ADEA, FMLA, IRCA, WARN, FHRA, DFWP,FLSA OSHA, WC, AAP, OFCCP, GINA and the rest of the alphabet soup of government regulations. Our current clients have access to McKenzieHR experts on all of these subjects. We provide a comprehensive and independent Audit of your HR Practices to identify areas of compliance and/or non-compliance, and provide a plan to help you mitigate risk.
Customized Employee Handbook
An Employee Handbook is a fundamental requirement of a sound human resources program. McKenzieHR delivers your message in a concise, thorough and professional way. The handbooks are developed in partnership with you and distributed to your employees. A McKenzieHR expert is also available to review the handbook with all of your employees to minimize possible misunderstandings and potential conflicts.
Performance Management and Appraisal Programs
McKenzieHR experts work with you to develop customized performance competencies, standards, benchmarks and feedback systems that motivate employees to consistently high levels of output and exemplary customer service. We assist you in implementing a system that will ensure your employees are working at their highest potential.
Job Description Development and Implementation
Job descriptions serve a number of purposes. A properly worded job description and job analysis provides the basis for recruitment, hiring, performance management, goal setting and promotions. Your job description also serves as a first line of defense in the event of discrimination claims, reasonable accommodations, wage and hour complaints, and a host of other issues.
Manager’s Tool Kit
The Potential of your People will be greatly enhanced with this “Managers Tool Kit”. It is reference guide to supervisors and managers regarding your recruitment practices, interviewing techniques, performance appraisals, and compliance issues. The Manager Tool Kit provides instructions and tips on how to handle employee issues and a host of other topics customized to your organization.
New Employee Orientation
Get your new employees off on the right foot with a great first impression. A McKenzieHR expert will customize and deliver an orientation program designed specifically for your organization. McKenzieHR manages every aspect of the new hire process, from new hire paperwork to onboarding.
Management Development
Employment Compliance, Leadership Development, Supervisory Skills, ACTION Planning, and Project Management – We do it all! Wage and Hour lawsuits continue to rise and the awards can put you out of business. McKenzieHR experts will make sure YOUR managers know the rules for wage and hour compliance, Family and Medical Leave Act and all other employment regulations to keep you out of trouble. We help your managers ensure all decisions are business based and consistently administered.
High Risk Terminations
When is becomes necessary to end the employment relationship, McKenzieHR experts will be there for YOU to ensure the process is handled correctly to reduce your risk and liability.
Accident Prevention & Safety Programs
The health and safety of YOUR employees is paramount. McKenzieHR will audit YOUR safety program, review your accident record and develop a program with the objective of having no lost time accidents, reduce your Risk and ensure the safety of your employees.
Government Agencies
If the government comes knocking on YOUR door, McKenzieHR will be at YOUR side every step of the way.
Value Added Services
Payroll processing and administration
McKenzieHR experts will process and administer your payroll ensuring confidentiality and accuracy in a timely manner. McKenzieHR works with various payroll companies including PayChex, Paycor, Paylocity, ADP, Quick Books and others. McKenzieHR manages employee information, set up new hires, terminations, input status changes, bonuses, and federal forms.
Enhanced Recruitment Process
McKenzieHR knows how to help you attract and hire the best candidate for your organization. We provide job analysis, create and place ads, and conduct the initial screening interviews so that we don’t waste your time. Our approach is tailored to your needs and for about a third of the price of using an employment agency.
Voluntary Employee Benefits
McKenzieHR is proud to work with Legal Shield to provide a voluntary benefit for your employees at NO COST TO YOU! Legal Shield takes the stress and strain of personal legal and identity theft issues off your employees’ shoulders and puts their focus back at work, where it should be. This benefit helps reduce absenteeism, increase productivity, decrease employee stress and keep a progressive company image, all for less than $1.00 per day.