McKenzieHREmployee Relations #1 | McKenzieHR

Employee Relations #1

QUESTION: A new employee has just joined our company this week. The two other people in the three- person department where he is working are taking offense to the “cigarette odor”.  They are non-smokers and, evidently, he does smoke. The supervisor wants to give him the option of not having a cigarette odor or being let go.  What kind of trouble could we be in if he is let go under these circumstances? Thank you.




You should not have any issue if the employee smells of cigarettes and he is terminated for this.  Here’s another option, though.  Instruct the smoker to wash his hands after he smokes.  Most of the smoke odor collects on the fingers and hands of the smoker.  This will not totally eliminate the smell, but should reduce it considerably.

See how this goes.  If he has a problem with this alternative, he is obviously one of those rude smokers that we all hate.

Approach him with this option and see how it works.  If there are still complaints after he does this, let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.

Good luck

Thanks for Asking Bob

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