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McKenzieHR Articles Published to Advantage Biz Magazine

Here is a link to a number a search on advantage business magazine with a few articles I wrote. I would like them added to In The News View Articles

Bob McKenzie named 2012 Ultimate Human Resources Executive

June, 2012 Bob McKenzie named 2012 Ultimate Human Resources Executive by the Jacksonville Business Journal. When Bob McKenzie graduated from Rider University at age 22, there was a large unionizing event going on, and it was at that moment McKenzie knew be wanted to go into human resources. View Article

Use Company handbook to keep policies up-to-date

by Dolly Penland When Ann Freeman bought River City Security Services four years ago, she inherited the company’s old employee handbook. “They had a policy and procedures handbook that was very basic and it had lot of addendums,” said Freeman, president and CEO. “Our approach is this book should help you be better employees. We […]

An internship benefits both the company and the intern

by Caitlin O’Conner That’s the reason Julia McClure, a 20-year-old public relations junior at the University of Florida, chose to intern this suummer at The Hoffman Ageency, a Jacksonville marketing and public relaations firm, rather than choose a big company with an in-house PR department and less diversity. View Article

Nip Negativity in the Bud

by Bob McKenzie Many who hear “nattering nabobs of negativism” for the first time think of the plethora of people who persist in protesting every decision or action in the workplace. As you read this, you will undoubtedly think of the people in your organization who fit into this category. Every workplace has at least […]

HR Rules of the Road

by Bob McKenzie Don’t jeopardize your business with negligent hiring, which can occur if you hire someone who has a criminal history of theft or violence and put them into a position of trust involving customers. If that employee steals from a customer or commits a violent act on a client, your company may be […]

Learn boundaries for employee surveillance

Jacksonville Business Journal – by Mark Szakonyi, Staff Writer The challenge is how companies can monitor their employees’ e-mail, text messages and phone calls without running afoul of the law. More than a quarter of employers have fired workers for misusing e-mail and about a third have fired workers for misusing the Internet, according to […]

Check job prospects’ I-9s if you’re hiring

Jacksonville Business Journal – by Dolly Penland, Correspondent Each store employs at least 12 people. Because the franchisees are hiring so many new employees so quickly, Orange Tree has made human resources training and compliance a key component of its comprehensive franchisee training program, right up there with daily operations and marketing. The idea is […]

Look for signs it’s time to hire or risk burning out your employees

Jacksonville Business Journal – by Dolly Penland, Correspondent After months of recession, the economy is beginning to show signs of life. But businesses aren’t quite yet ready to start hiring again. However, there will come a time when the existing employee base can no longer handle the increasing workload. Knowing when it’s time to hire […]

Performance Art – Make sure your managers aren’t taking creative license with their performance reviews.

By Kathryn Tyler – HR Management David Currier felt like the chief patrolman for the “HR Police.” Every year, the manager of organizational development ran around trying to get supervisors to turn in their performance appraisals. Just getting the documents completed, signed and filed was the highest priority, leaving little time or energy to ensure […]

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What Our Clients Are Saying

You have provided assistance on so many topics – performance management, updating policies, job description and federal reporting.  I just wanted to reach out and thank you. We are so grateful to you and your team for the countless hours of support you have provided our organization.
Tiffany Blackstone Hamrick, Vice President of Human Resources, Easter Seals Florida